
Strasbourg Prefecture 1979/81
USA Embassy Strasbourg 2014 then 1979/81
Strasbourg 2014
Strasbourg 2014
Strasbourg 2014
The Jewish Synagogue then 1979/81 and today 2014
( Rouen then 1979/81) the need to note we dressed differently then, was very much younger 27/8 years old - looked much better enviable.
We had wanted to address this issues originally judge best left out - this morning President Martin Shultz published it on his facebook - we have borrowed the pictures and article trusting his Office will not mind. The promise of President Juncker to EU and we have known and worked very many issues with him over the past years. The need to note our French important Heritage and Britain from Normandy - the Faith issues. 30/11/12
We had wanted to address this issues originally judge best left out - this morning President Martin Shultz published it on his facebook - we have borrowed the pictures and article trusting his Office will not mind. The promise of President Juncker to EU and we have known and worked very many issues with him over the past years. The need to note our French important Heritage and Britain from Normandy - the Faith issues. 30/11/12
After 30 years not having been to Strasbourg - the last time there was over the debacle of three failed concerted coup attempt in Sechelles Seychelles which had failed, all those involved - our deep bitterness over events and development pertaining that UNIDO/World Bank research by the International Center Chancellor Dr Bruno Kreisky government had build in the face of great critics and we have taken part in some of the issues as a young stageois of Prof Dr Michael Hofmann IMI Vienna - Interdisciplinary Management Institute . The anticipated changes failed we had attempted to seek political asylum in Strasbourg - after much praying and seeking advice had gone to London to seek political asylum.
We knew and had known what we were going to land our self into going to London - separating from Family, Son, step children, business acquaintances, mentor and business associates - beside the friends we had come to make. Then France in Europe and the world, Britain position 1978/1981.
Why this FECAS-ECSVS Blog, not because it is the Anniversary of former SNM/MPR charismatic Leader, Mr Gerard Hoareau Assassination 29/11/14. We have been meaning to rebuild the website of FECAS - ECSVS and it will have to include a Blog, whilst in Strasbourg after 30 years, those who posted all the issues of bucket of Ice water including President Bush Junior, Sir Richard Branson and very many others. What faced and confronted our person after 30 years and our very many impute from distance - their very significant impact on Europe and the World. PM Blair had done his uttermost that we never get to travel to Strasbourg under his government. The highly negative issues they attributed to our person - sleaze, exclusion glove in hand with Sechelles Seychelles government.
Among the positive attribution to our person leading or taking part in an eventual government if/should change have taken place - we had been told by Dr Guy Ah - Moye, he had been my doctor and wife's and listened to a few other Seychellois students how they had started a/the Student Association in London - their experiences and not telling the whole truth. We had began to formulate the concept for a pan European Seychelles Community body from Salzburg, these issue we have covered on past Forums and blogs which would take us to 1977 Spring there about because the coup d'etat was June 5th 1977. The government of Sir James Mancham and then Seychelles many friends who visited Salzburg for pleasure and the famous concerts and Festivals.
In the Seychelles we had left forced to leave 1976 August 8/15 - was forbidden to take part or become involved in politic by my guardian Judge EJ Stiven as such the ethic and benchmark of then Colonial system and workings pre Independence. The need to stress we have been exposed to a great deal of complex and complicated, controversial political issues, debacles. The need to note the issues we have addressed of the impending coup d'etat - our bitterness at the friends, acquaintance who had betrayed us - we could have been more forthcoming Minister David Joubert, Minister Andre Uzice, Minister Delorier and Superintendent James Pillay - then exile on Praslin.
For some 9/10 years had had to listen and come to learn of Judge E J Stiven very complex roles/high responsibilities in Zanzibar - the British colonial system and the many ethnic issues and the Institutions they had set up to serve them - institutionalized. Then very many debate/discussion and comparison with then Sechelles Seychelles system and people.
We had also lived in East Africa, Educated there by the Company Junior Secondary school, then Catholic College, the manner they educate young person to take future responsibilities, then very many ethnic communities in East Africa how they organized themselves and their respective institutions they had set up /respective functions. We had been educated to to these complexities. Hence he friends and acquaintance we made and build in Seychelles after our return from East Africa. Mr John Mascaranas, Mr Jeremi Puren, Mr Esmee Jumeau, Mr Peter Gill, Mr Morgan the electrician they killed later, the laporte Family, distance Uncle Julien Parcou - Merlin, others. The Ernestine Family and others. Mr Philibert Louseau had been in East Africa briefly. The SPUP Secretary Mrs Sylvette Pool and husband and Mr Ogilvie Berlouis - the Family of Micheal Pillay and Servina. People ought not to judge and make quick conclusion they had better learn and live life, then think and make their conclusions.
When one leaves one country, loved ones, close family and very many other issues you sit down and think, talk with others the purpose and objective of such undertaking/process, you read a great deal of other experience and history's examples - if/should one be fortunate and the hand of fate or heaven be on one side - then some light is shed and one tend/can use such experiences and process to build one future life and others life. Which is what we had began to do in 1977. Oh talk of the arrogance and attitude of those who judge they had the rights to defend/portray who and what the Seychelles were and its people, culture and values. This were some of the great debacle which spurned us on.
Beside my/our then better half/wife as we prefer to call/name them had Traveled a great deal, in the first instance her motive as a young person to be a rebel and throw away all commonsense, family values and experience the world with all its made and dangerous sides/aspects. The impacts on one life and views. She had live and worked in Lebanon, North Africa and later Rhodesia - today's Zimbabwe, again the Colonial system there then, those who care to remember and recall. The very many complex institutions they set up to serve them and work for them - their respective values.
She had come to work and live in the Sechelles Seychelles was very acquainted with Mr Gerard Hoareau, the entourage of Sir James Mancham, the political elite, Oppositions, business communities, the Local families and Franco Seychellois Families, the very many wild issues of then Seychelles and tourist life, the early stage of the Seychelles Tourist Industry her own academic grounding and educational finish/qualifications. From such prospective how one look and seek life, people and events. Events surrounding her forced departure from Seychelles by then Sir James Mancham administration and the Todd Family involvements, beside others of influence, they were the Administrator for BIOT - this is again another pot.
Nearing our Independence , the many Expats in then Sechelles Seychelles - had requested that she rejoin us, then staying on Judge E J Stiven Farm/Estate at Anse aux Pins with all the proper and official Rights and legal formalities, then Lawyer Mr Ramnijk Valabjhi, Mr Morel du Boil, Mr Raoul Nageon, the Souyave and Rasool Family the Judge Family, preparing for our Independence and what would ensue, our/my respective Plans for the foreseeable future, our young family and extended family. Close friends - the Parkar Family and their children.
" During our stay in France recently be they Strasbourg and Rouen asked of a few young adults now 25 years old/teased them, the Cold War and then Berlin Wall, their birth, childhood, education and life/responsibility as young adults in our /future world" the same apply to my son now father and heading some of the Family's high responsibilities - What is it like coming from such a Family background in Austrian and old Austrian Empire, where by one mother was forced out of that Sechelles Seychelles by then Sir James Mancham government - the judicial impacts and implications, his birth in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, the Austrian issues - the privilege to have slept in Judge Stiven big bed, the carpenters who help make that bed was close relatives, Point Larue and private bedroom during the time they stayed on the Farm/Estate at Anse aux Pins. All my siblings, the neighbors, acquaintance the lawyers, Estate workers, the Austrian officials, the church Officials. His mother and my person share my bedroom. The impact on one person - my own memory of my Grand Papa's bed/his bedroom was a great experience during our school holidays. The quality and memorable/treasure of time we spent and shared. Again the impact on one young mind and life. Just as we look back at events and history.
In that Strasbourg we had known 1979/81, had/was being impacted/influenced by those important events and issues.
However short our stay in Salzburg, those we have become acquainted - driven by our past and its issues. We had come into contact with the debacle of Esperanto. Then young Salzburg University undergraduate, aspiration, intellectual debates and the politic of Europe, Austria neutrality, the Cold War, the USA, East and West, the Indian Ocean, Africa, Asia and the Gulf Region. The view which prevailed that Esperanto could play a very important role factor in Europe events. Later as we moved on to Vienna our respective interests, curiosity and close relative such as Dr Dr Ramsauer - Uncle Beno, education, grounding into such issues, Europe, history, the first world war and second, the Communist expansion and the South Tirol debacles. We had began to make steps to study Esperanto you do not undertake such issues just by whims/boredom at least not our person. Together this drove our wish to formulate a pan European community for the Seychelles Diaspora in Europe - a very distinct voice.
We also argued with many Press and media officials - their then view of the Indian Ocean, Sechelles and the region, its people, culture and role in the region and the world. Including some of Chancellor Dr Kreisky Officials, the UN/UNIDO officials and other diplomatic representation in then Vienna - what about the South African, the French and the Israeli, the Polish community in exile, the Iranian, church Officials, Catholic and Adventist.
It was with all those baggage, issues we left Strasbourg 1979/81 and the travel we had undertaken, being observant and searching for our connections. Then 30 years on returning to Strasbourg - the very different world, Europe, the Indian Ocean - future of things particularly that of Europe and the Indian Ocean, Russia, the Gulf Region, China, Asia - this is the Ice Bucket we mean and imply. Beside some of our important involvements and associated issues with President F Mitterrand government, era and officials, the decision to build that European parliament in Strasbourg, the Human Rights Court, the Tran Project for the public and several other issues. Sechelles Seychelles today and the future - those 25,000 new migrants, settlers and its institutions today, high representations and workings, International relation.
From a European prospective what had we achieved and the impacts, benefits on the lives of the Seychellois in this Europe, the armies and forests of new institutions, laws and Regulations. The children today and the future generation, their Role. What about the great and highly important contributions of President F Mitterrand his officials and France institutions, our Italian, Austrian, German, Spanish, Scandinavia, Dutch contributions events of the Rome and Maastricht Treaty - the new Rights for Ethnic Minorities and people in Europe, the European parliament - the citizens of Europe.
We have addressed briefly some of the debacle of the Federation issues of Europe which we build in our Pan European Seychelles Diaspora workings and how ti landed/got us into trouble with Lady Thatcher government, the USA. What about the Esperanto aspect few within lady Thatcher government /inner workings knew know of this - the special relation we build and communicated with lady Thatcher/her knowledge. What she choose to do with it/them was another matter.
Why are we saying this - because of the stance of many individuals who say they represent our community, be they Seychelles government, the appointed Consuls, Tourist ambassadors and most important Sir James Mancham - new stanch/positions. Individual like/such as my Rasool was aware we have been building important links with the Esperanto debacle. Many of you will ask what is the objective of this issues. We have had in Britain mass of issues which have gone very wrong with Europe and their /those with their respective views, their respective media and Institutions.
We would like to stress - underlined when President F Mitterrand had been alive and the decision to implement what into the EU Institutions, the Chancellor Koln, later Chancellor Schroder, our Italian many important connections, the Vatican and then Pope John Paul ll and those from Solidarity in Britain and Poland - just as we applied important energy/synergy that/which saw that certain institutions were introduced and build into the EU system Esperanto was one of them- the Illuminati Institutions of Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Germany - particularly Britain, their strong opposition to anything unifying and those who have known the issues and saw to it we stayed away from Strasbourg for such a very long time - our belief and conviction in the greater Esperanto project then 1979/81, over the years and the bitter oppositions of lady Thatcher to those issues, the British Media and Institutions and their attributions.
From a scientific and intellectual approach an excellent challenge to PM Cameron, his Officials and the debacle of Britain and Europe. There have been much/great volume of water under this Bridge. We are not happy with Wikipedia approach - they refuse and fail to cover many highly important issues regarding the Esperanto greater debacle - the British Lady Thatcher position and arguments/role, the USA Politic related, yet how they choose to stress and underline that it originated in Poland and thinly line or explained by a Jew from Poland. Likewise then Austria Cold War and Neutral Austria and Communist Poland - nobody stressed many of the issues we have read at Wikipedia, they would not have dared, then Communist/verses the West, the Communist and that part of the world could not produce anything positive/useful, of the Language origin - the thinker yes, against as vigorous as should have. It is such very wrong representation of issues which have led and cause the mega mess we have landed in the current Europe and future workings of Europe. Just as we have worked and those who took the credit and when it is expected of them to make the due effort, impute and sort out the mess they cannot because they just did not not know in the first place and practice the concept of taking and stealing others credits. If you have worked on a boat /ship you ought to know all the bits and pieces and if there is an accident ready and with speed able to act and react.
We are going to add the Wikipedia Esperanto information and the concept-or of this unique language idea - for those who did not know these we part of the ground formula for us to develop and create/put into place that "Human Communication mechanism 1987 for that SIROP Program - those who hijacked it and turned it into the madness we have today" PM Tony Blair coined it the new Labour. We were not alone - it required very many and highly important and capable individuals and yet what the media as and the like of Wikipedia writes. These/this form part and parcel of FECAS- ECSVS Institutions and High workings.
That synagogue/ex synagogue, the Seventh Adventist have come to know and cherished and the Advent Center, Crawford place was part of this Project/issues from a Christian prospective and they have failed a few knew and did note. The high debacle of the Adventist Movement relation to Jewish belief, source of Christian Scripture and holy living - we are not prepared to share issues and then get attacked and beaten/punish for it. We are very sick of "life Horribilus".
Add a few Esperanto bolgs and EU supporting Institutions.
Ludwik Lazarus Zamenhof (15 December 1859 – 14 April 1917) as usual others involved and what is written as history
Learn Esperanto in Slazburg