Saturday, 3 October 2015
25th Anniversary Germany Reunification
25 Jahre Mauerfall | ZEIT ONLINE - Die Zeit
Am 3. Oktober feiert Deutschland sich selbst. Denn an diesem Tag vor 25 Jahren wurde das Land, das nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in zwei Staaten geteilt wurde – und seit 1961 sogar durch eine Mauer – wieder eins.
Wie kam es nach Jahrzehnten des Kalten Krieges dazu? Welche Rolle hat Ungarn dabei gespielt? Was hat Außenminister Genscher vom Balkon gerufen? Was passierte am Tag des Mauerfalls? Und was ist eigentlich dieser Zwei-plus-Vier-Vertrag? Die folgende Kartengeschichte erklärt den Weg zur Wiedervereinigung im Schnelldurchlauf – mit Videos aus der Wendezeit.
Einheit für Dummies
This morning we checked that historic video the authorities have blocked it 4/10/15 We in Seychelles and the Indian Ocean had that Reunification not taken place the West would have had to use military force to change Seychelles. This forthcoming Presidential election 2015 We will add Die Zeit historic video - you the reader scroll and watch/read.
Many will conclude we have destroy this post - over the past 25 years the many important personalities in Europe who have explained their respective role in Europe affairs and when they landed in big trouble/difficulty. What if President F Mitterrand had gone ahead and had my person thoroughly disciplines to put it mildly - I would not have been alive to share the issues with you today. The unique role - intervention my person made leading to Germany historic reunification and France loss of Power in Europe and the world. ( I have borrowed this unique photo)
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Make known, report to recognize and value your engagement- within the margin, boundaries in community life in Europe and as NGO

Faire connaitre, rapport de reconaitre et de Valoriser voter engagement - dans la marge, les limites dan la vie de la communaute en europe et comme ONG
Make known, report to recognize and value your engagement- within the margin, boundaries in community life in Europe and as NGO
The CoE and NGOs
We have decided to use the guide lines form the Minister de la ville, de la Junesse and du Sport, la Maison de Association, European Union guideline on NGO and Benevolant/Charitable workings to present a summery of the benefits and very positive contributions of our Association in France, Europe, the Indian Ocean/Africa and International. The respective sectors we have worked, contributed, influenced and impacted.
The reason and objective for writing this summary to provide the authorities, officials, Institutions, Justice, politicians, policing authorities, NGO's, our own communities and those involved of the important benefits, impacts, contributions over the past 1991 to 2015 since he official formulation of FECAS - ECSVS.
In October 2014 we held meeting with the French NGO umbrella bodies, with the view of Registering FECAS- ECSVS properly in France. Briefly recapitulate/shared our activities since 1991, challenges and problematic well as expectations. Including some of what others may term Taboo topics /general statements.
We have also held discussion with a leading IT company with the view of redesigning our portal project and they requested that we address the important benefits, impacts, contributions in the past/over the past 8 years. To make available this information to the authorities, officials, NGO, government, Institutions, public - in view the funding possibilities and challenges - beside the current economic climate of Europe and the world how this can impact and influence vast many issues and topics, providing then a guideline in the process of building and developing our new portal project.
The norm would have been to set into place a committee/Group, be it form the French NGO or Pan European to assess the impacts, involvements and contributions of FECAS - ECSVS, thereby giving it the degree of legitimacy, credibility. We have lagged behind in time and given the confrontation climate with Seychelles government in particular impeding progress, beside complex problematic with a number of high parties in Britain, where we have a strong working and Community representation - their commitments and engagements.
Again the norm of the yearly report stating the many events and topics a given Association and NGO have experiences, work undertaken, contributions - in our case i.e FECAS - ECSVS, have had to rely on Forums, Blogs, email correspondence and Facebook/social media - word of mouth/verbal reporting. Meaning what our communities and its members talk about/over within the contexts of Community workings. A such a good deal of what we are about to write in brief already exist are known. There is the important requirement to address, our Community in Britain are under and suffer great stress, not just from economic prospective - the communication in bracket very big problematic. Be it with and to the Institutions, NGO' authorities and local NGO's and Bodies and Councils. Not to mention the Local or British media. At play the government, political interests, Council propaganda, Racist agendas, exclusion agendas and downright oppressive. Objective to control, manipulate, impede and thwart their activities and needs. Again not to exclude the involvements of Seychelles government and its agents.
There is also the important requirements, need to state that right across Europe, the benchmark, approach, laws in place, resources, tools, education, needs are very different. In spite of the EU legislation, policies, debates to develop a unified/Common NGO, Benevolent, Charity and Associative regulations best practice code.
In the Europe of today the vast array or social, human needs with are/get delivered with the involvement of Charities, NGO and Voluntary impute /workings. Meaning as against the report and media coverage - including Seychelles government how on a daily or hourly basis a given individual or individuals , families come into contacts and work a respective need and those/the parties involved need to note we have in place structures and vehicles which lend to linkage, sharing and delivery directly or indirectly. It does not have to be necessarily a member/individual from our respective community action or initiated and requested or sponsored action. Example - we became involved in the capacity to help create Social communication /platform back in 1993 and the greater objective in spite of the numbers which is/ and have been an obstacle in working of NGO, charity and volunteers, the empowerment of others, inter personal, community, culture to impute far more active and dynamic than had previously existed/in place system and workings. In the old days when a person had to rely on a publish report about Seychelles ethnic/grass root working in London or Britain - via such working and platform they have become and is being made aware on a vast proportion of what is really going on and what is happening and in instances very detail information and over view of their respective activities and lives, families needs, thematic. In turn giving them and providing them with the possibilities and tool, means to interact and engage with much greater resources, issues, topics, networks, Interests the very long list. In the process create important Goodwill, pro active workings, engagements.
Where as in the past until 1995, for example one needed to get a group of interested and committed person in our community to get together to discuss a given thematic, topic for the Community, the frustrations, lack of knowledge, resources, training, capacity and commitments continuous. With our involvement and participation form a greater Community approach/prospective brought about that our Communities however small, remote and unknown would have the possibility of being informed, staying informed and becoming active. Again whatever the big media and those who control big media have to say/report.
This again takes us back to one of the fundamental and biggest problematic - the values and monetary impacts. This started back in 1980's when we had a much looser working across Europe and the respective countries - those who invested, donated or made collective financial commitments and in return their repayments, benefits and accountability/how one equates and account. For instance under the old practice say you required to put into place a Communication/ information over a long period - you would seek funding, apply for funding and if you were successful, then proceed. After 1995, you /one would go/ search a given communication platform for free and begin to share, address and inform those that need to be informed of a given needs, thematic and pressing needs. With a zero budget one can deliver moderate and very large results in turn its financial impacts and benefits to society, community, village, local government and national government and so on.
Equally important - where in the past one required a great deal of management skills, abilities to deliver any kind/form of significant to make it relevant - after 1995, you/on was not required to have the building/Office space, heavy or any management at all by relying on existing Management or other system and institutions in place and working with them to deliver. As such he changing face, relevancy of FECAS- ECSVS those who believe and envisage it is a prerequisite to have a large management structures, resources and capacity to deliver on small, medium and large scale and of any importance.
Similarly/at the same time the development of chaotic empowerment process taking place and the consequences. Parties not authorized, became engage, active with us with our we knowing all the issues and how they in turn manages and extract what benefits, privilege for their own accounts. This process can and will lend to exasperation, conflicts and abuses.
It can also be said, that where in the past prior to 1995, say a member of our community had wish to be informed and acquaint with a given set of information say health, the lack of train person/volunteer to explain and support him/her adequately. The bureaucratic problematic - meaning, line up for appointment, and time, negative side issues - after 1995 if a high official refused to see/meet you on health problem you would read, research and go to other online bodies, organisation Service to help you and get the required help on a health topic. The person still being and forming part and parcel of our respective Community/families and interests.
This/these by themselves would not be enough and adequate to enable us to work greater issue and values of Europe - so we went about developing our very unique mechanism which can deliver and work with bigger bodies and institutions of Europe to deliver on very important and challenging issues and thematic-es. Again to achieve this the knowledge required, resources and training - prior to 1995 our achievement after 1995 much enhance and important contributions an achievements with in the working an parameter of NGO, Charity, Voluntary, philanthropic and inter government workings in instances. Beside Church and interfaith workings. Cross cultural, ethical benchmarks, their respective heritages.
It also requires to be understood - for instance until 1995 those individual known as Minister and the assistant, Secretary and special appointed individual who believed only they can/could deliver on behalf of an Individual , family, and community or group do interests. After 1995, a good deal of individuals began to interests themselves how they could access the knowledge, information of a given topic the good Minister an his chain of assistants and tax payers money promise to deliver and achieve a good measure of results and success on a given/desired need, topic. Here we are talking very much of the Indian Ocean, Africa Europe relationship. Including the ambassadors and Consuls and Special Trade delegations. Not overlooking what the government media writes.
Using those combination have enable us to participate and contribute towards many highly important Europe thematic, agendas and challenges however small and moderate our resources. Mush more important our respective communities have acquired good knowledge understanding of how this works and does not without having to claim major credits. In turn in and across Europe the very many from big or small institutions, agencies, NGO's and corporations who have come to be aware, knowledgeable that we have such capacity and the capacity to deliver if and when required.
We very much welcome the announcement by the Commission President Mr Jean Claude Juncker of a digital Europe to this end.
The brief explanation able support our claim how we have supported and can lend to support our respective communities in grave crises, be they economic and other wise, their local Councils greater communities, their governments and relevant institutions. How those who understood and have been aware of our capacity come back to linkup, use our important goodwill, working connections, to drive and enhance their requirements and thematic.
In formulating the parameters for a new Portal how these ought to be taken into account and outline/ develop dynamic forecast scenario, possibilities and systems. The many important issues of first France it would impact, Europe, the Seychelles and the COI Nations, the Indian Ocean Region, Gulf Region and Africa. Beside the world.
Very many questioned, challenged how come we made the statement we played a key role that the Palm Jumeriah development was started/concept-ed and many other highly important issues of the Gulf Region, impacting heir Wealth creation/generating and importance/relevancy in the region and the world and those Gulf Region Nation keen interests in turn to work and network with our nation and institutions. In the process of developing a new portal Project all these past positive and negative workings, outcomes and the goodwill amassed will have to be taken into important consideration/managed adequately.
Beside the important vehicle for marketing and driving issues for a given entity, take the AIR BUS debacle or Channel Tunnel.
We want to develop a Franchise mechanism/possibility for our Community working in Europe - it does not have to be owned by a Seychellois. It would been excellent if all our envisaged franchised were/would be taken up by Seychellois living in Europe. This have been one of the biggest challenge of us - FECAS- ECSVS developing a future platform. We want to help be able to help those who manage and take greater engagement, responsibility the means and possibilities to generate income and wealth. That IT Company in France have proposed a number of possibilities and again - the requirement and need to address how they/these will impacts greater economic issue of the region, France and Europe and Seychelles, the COI and the Indian Ocean. We can hear the rubbing of hands form the government side - the vast amount of befits that portal project have brought to them and their denial, lies and distorted reporting practice. The Seychelles is not the only culprits, several nations of the Indian Ocean Nation are involved, Africa.
What we may do is list a number of areas where we are very certain the impacts will most certainly take place. That does not stop at Tourism, Fishing, Environment Projects and thematic. Inter government workings., democratic process, social process, education, health, marine issues, Agriculture, small business and large business. IT and communication, Finance/Banking, Markets, Political over spill, Piracy thematic and regional nations, Justice, Policing, empowerment. In turn how this will relate to Africa, the region Bodies and organisation - it must not be over looked we helped contributed to the government and other bodies developing countless IT based/Web based projects and their respective impacts.
In Europe how this will work out and past impacts and future impacts on very many thematic, policies of the EU and real politics. Economic situation and regeneration. Political restructuring of Europe. This and its respective impacts on the world. To be correct we had stated to that IT company in France that UNESCO ought to play a greater role in how we develop our next portal projects and the EU should too. Because it will affect and impact them importantly. In the past there have been many topic and issues fall outs because all hose who have refused and failed to understand and become engage - they have been contents to take the benefits and advantages of what we can deliver in the process - the next portal project they ought to become active participants be there to guide is when we tend or go in the wrong direction and liable to be problematic that way a win win situation.
Having said we/this project have the capacity to deliver - wisdom would say/dictate that project are formulated and get formulate and the unique that this portal can play and contribute. Including the Air Bus consortium and new Planes/Travel Industry and the Train system , the Car and Heavy duty Industry which we have impacted in the past. What about Agriculture, What about employment. New methods and Platforms, structures. In Strasbourg/Germany boarder/Switzerland as we had indicated to the official a great deal will be impacted/influenced. This platform have the capacity to generate high mechanism/system to create wealth if managed adequately including National economy/national banking workings.
A very amusing little thoughts - those in Greece who know about this project - what if we had been able to start that project in January 2015 as had been envisaged the impacts on their economy and the Greece Franchise, with EU and IMF having to throw away Euro billion when they did not have to/ Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy - by the way PM Blair/Brown who are well aware of the capacity of that portal its future impact on Britain with regard to our Community. That IT company CEO and his Staff fuming with anger.
Another little thought - Pope John Paul play a role in we setting that portal project - like it or not the impacts it will have on Vatican workings and he Holy Seat.
What about all those great Illuminati and their institutions who were involved and will have to become involved in the next portal project. Their respective imputes and then dump is in the forest as long ago stories went those parents who dump their children in the forests to fend for themselves and when they became famous then the parents would come/rediscover them.
The vast resource of France and Germany combined - yet nobody is paying attention. Had that new FECAS - ECSVS portal been deployed tonight there would have been no need to reintroduce Boarder Control in EU. The very large delegation of Normandy in Seychelles one month ago and the great Media hype and coverage. We had judge they were more serious. They banded with Seychelles government officials to stop us and now this.
La frontière entre l'Allemagne et l'Autriche vient d'être rétablie
There are smaller Projects in Kiel, Hamburg the ( Catholic) and Berlin our discussion/brief encounter - the Evangelist Churches.
Re-opening of Supreme Court
For the past 25 years the combined many important Germany national, European and International thematic we have influenced given our responsibilities those who would take it as insignificant or lightly - what they know and aware and know of our person and responsibilities. Picture of the new BND building Berlin
Tonight is the last state of the Nation address by President Obama decided to make some hash Brown
Tonight is the last state of the Nation address by President Obama decided to make some hash Brown
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Fête Nationale française du 14 juillet : « La France et les Seychelles entretiennent une relation particulière, vivante et profonde »

« La France et les Seychelles entretiennent une relation particulière, vivante et profonde. Elle s’est forgée dans la découverte même de cet archipel et l’installation de ses premiers habitants, Français. L’Histoire comme le présent, confère à cette marque indélébile d’amitié un caractère unique et d’exception ».
Ce sont les mots de l’Ambassadeur de France aux Seychelles, son excellence Lionel Majesté-Larrouy, prononcés hier à l’occasion de la Fête Nationale de son pays. La fête du 14 juillet était marquée localement hier soir par une réception au restaurant Vye Marmit à Au Cap. De nombreux invités qui comptaient l’ancien Président James Mancham, le chef juge par intérim Durai Karunakaran, les ministres du gouvernement, les membres du corps diplomatiques et de l’Assemblée Nationale s’étaient joints aux ressortissants français pour célébrer l’événement que l’Ambassadeur Majesté-Larrouy a qualifié « de particulier, qui fait qu’elle ne ressemble à aucune autre fête nationale ».
Ceci, parce qu’elle « est plus un état d’esprit qu’un moment officielle et qu’elle brasse les frontières et les différences dans sa convivialité, sa popularité et son historique ».
L’Ambassadeur de France a insisté que la relation entre les Seychelles et La France est empreinte de simplicité et de franchise qui a comme bilan de fructueuses opérations au niveau bilatéral, régional et international.
« Tous les domaines sont couverts : politique, économique, culturel, social, scientifique, éducatif, sécuritaire, financier, artistique, santé, environnement, tourisme, agriculture, les pêches, sans mentionner bien sur la Francophonie », a-t-il dit.
Conséquente à cette relation, l’ambassadeur a souligné que ce n’est pas un hasard si ses compatriotes représentent le contingent le plus important de touristes aux Seychelles, si Air Seychelles vient de relancer avec succès ses vols vers Paris et si un nombre croissant de Français choisissent de s’y installer et d’investir.
A l’approche de la Conférence de Paris sur la survie de la planète, d’après lui « le plus grand événement diplomatique que La France ait jamais organisé », M. Majesté-Larrouy a promis que les Seychelles peuvent s’appuyer sans réserve sur son pays.
« Ensemble, osons, essayons, inventons, construisons », a-t-il dit, en insistant qu’« il faut que ce monde incertain puisse savoir sortir des sentiers battus pour explorer de nouvelles routes, de nouvelles destinées et bâtir, ensemble, des solidarités novatrices.»
« L’enjeu est autant d’actualité que de taille », a insisté l’Ambassadeur de France dans son premier discours officiel depuis la prise de ses fonctions il y a juste trois mois.
« Notre objectif est de trouver un accord international, universel et ambitieux. L’appui des Seychelles et de ses partenaires et des petits Etats insulaires est déterminant. La France sait pouvoir compter sur lui », a-t-il conclu.
L’Ambassadeur de France a offert un toast à la prospérité du peuple seychellois et du Président James Michel. Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Joël Morgan lui a répondu de même en honneur du Président François Hollande et aux liens d’amitié réunissant les Seychelles et La France.
La soirée s’est terminée par la dégustation de spécialités, mignardises, champagnes et vins des vignobles français. Tout ceci sur le fond de chansons françaises merveilleusement interprétées par Channel Francourt et Hubert Hoareau et le groupe ‘La Brise’.
A ne pas oublier la belle chorale d’Anse Boileau qui a interprété les hymnes nationaux français et seychellois.
Source Seychelles Nation
14 Juillet : allons enfants de la patrie... c’est le moment de festoyer !
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