The past 25 years have been writing that SIROP contributed to giving the WWW at CERN, the Wikiepdia and Facebook issue and least of all the government and other authorities in Seychelles just do not listen.
The news yesterday that the owner of Family Pub in Calais has died why him and what has it to do.
We lived in Folkestone in 1992 when those of the exile/refugee Leadership return, nobody communicated with us or made the effort, What took place at the Airport and then Gordon square and then state House.
In Folkestone the Adventist church then the Issues of WACO David Koresh, the Catholic church, the Protestant, the Circle francais Mr Coltard the Mauritian community and the Big Library and the Masonic Lodge and society of Odd fellow -the Family who sold the News Paper his friend and they Travelled every year to Coral strand Hotel on Holiday. The mega fair park in Folkestone, the Italian families and their business Sicilian they were. The fishing port, the Lawyers we wee in contact with and impacting issues in Seychelles, Mauritius and the Region
The Chanel Tunnel in Building, the important impacts on then Calais. My request to President Mitterrand and the Mayor of Calais to set up a centre for the Indian ocean in Calais. The SIROP impact on the Calais community and their business then the issues of the Nord Pas de Calais economic region based in Dover.
This Family changed the name of their pub restaurant to Family Pub - Those from Seychelles travelling via Calais and the Mauritian community. Next to that pub the Bank and the Building society and the Chemist we have bought perfume and other bits and pieces. More important the Chinese Family we have been in contact each time we went to Calais his shop and business model after the meltdown of 2008/9 his business situation as did many other business in Calais, how we have helped, supported them. Two shops away the pub family we know and visit often when we are there. Several of the pub and Restaurant owners know of our issues and impact on Calais the 'Alcatel issues, the NEOM issues. Last year mega china Fair and the Dragon in Calais.The Reunion Community in Calais. The North African community in Calais who know who we are. The Gilets Jaunes mega debacles. Now Britexit. Our involvement that the Port de Calais almost bought the Port of Dover.
With their massive resources and possibility how Seychelles, Mauritius government reacts and work, their corruption and dishonesty - they are bloody awful. Then the public ask why so many /fallout. ( forget the vast issue of the refugees and what we have addressed and that Truth Commission Benchmark.) The Chamber of commerce knowledge of who we are and do, the Police. The very Many families from the Indian ocean of Pas de Calais Origin, the Church and the Court issues, Emmaus

Coronavirus crash wipes $5 trillion off world stocks
Coronavirus crash wipes $5 trillion off world stocks
"These are highly uncertain times, no one really knows the answer and the markets are really panicking."
How many took some time to read this blog post, particularly the Dragon. The last time we were in Calais the assassination issues of the Saudi Journalist.
Those refusing to listen the arrest of the Saudi Kings brother and close relatives. The news Saudi ambassador to Seychelles accredited. We submitted some papers the National Truth Commission among the Item the important impacts of the FECAS - ECSVS and its portal and media workings. We have gone on to explain at our forums what that portal project is all about. Why that coat of Arms for our community was designed, the way it is and its meaning and implication - the part, contribution of the later Pope John Paul ll, the person of President F Mitterrand, President FA Rene and then US president. The EU Commissioner and Council President in Office 1992/93 in then Folkestone.
The issues of the Refugee History Project after the Cold War, Germany reunification, the COMECON nation changes promoted by Evelyn Oldfield Unit and funded by the Sainsbury Trust. Our story to build our portal we used the software Net object fusion 10. Having explained the Indian ocean USA relation before and after the Cold war. Once completed that portal impacted numerous important US, EU and Indian ocean issues,Enlargement politic of the former COMECON and the EU Including the white House, the Senate and the EU Commission, council of Europe, some of the US big multinational, including Boeing, Airbus consortium and the Market. Two years ago we did not host the portal for two weeks and China alone lost $900 billion. That portal have great relevancy to Ireland EU workings and the Indian ocean. It has important impact/relevancy to the Britexit debacles.
We have been back and forth the past 6 years seeking help in India, Mauritius, France, Seychelles and Ireland, Germany those who only want money payment for helping rebuild that portal new and meanwhile those who have made $millions on the back of the portal and never once donate a cent or dime. We have gone out of our way and the new portal is one third build -each time we did some work on it something would happen with the Market and the media writing be they the USA and Britain - we have not done any work for one months or more. Had we worked on it the Britexit Chinese Virus Budget would have been very different.
That portal is for our Community before the advent of Facebook some of the functions and in the face of the Chinese Virus even if its capacity is diminish because of Facebook.
This morning we woke up to the announcement that the USA is closing it sky to incoming European travellers, by Sea included- this is unprecedented, the world have experience crises never on such scale and impact, those who remember the last Global meltdown and the grave concern. The mega damage has been done. We have landed in this grave crises. Seychelles and Mauritius will take big hit, the Gulf Region and Europe. We had stated that portal helped leverage and geared a constellation of hosting Syndicate the Consortium who bought them had a corporate portfolios of some £80 billion. They operated in the channel Island. Under President Obama administration, Godaddy acquired it. Think of all the little crooks and criminal, mention that kind of money they will either beat one up or do something equally bad, the court case of the former presidential candidate F Fillion and his wife is British - these are facts. It do not require $billions to get that Portal finish and do a good job maximum $10,000 instead the complete mess everybody have landed in. The Markets are loosing $ billions everyday. France is in a terrible mess and the french government reaction to our communication and request - President Macron have a very direct relation with that portal Project to rebuild from Rouen. Given all the school forced to close the French first Lady profession everybody ought to ask the big question -the Gilet Jaunes have been trying to solve.