Hotel Osterricher Hof Salzburg


County of Artois

The Ministers and Sechelles Seychelles officials at the time we initiated a Europe wide organization /body for our Community Salzburg 1977 before the 5th June coup d'etat
Obviously the posting contents and the thinking process behind a blog posting and Facebook are very different - we have not posted for sometime here instead at Facebook.
This Saturday morning, having started the process of relocating our community Heraldic and IT Community issues, the important efforts, energy, resources and those who impute to relocate to Rouen taking the best part of 5 years, the approach we had wanted to use/apply- then Sir James Mancham and his many Associates, In Sechelles Seychelles political events. For those who works and represent Sir James Mancham legacy/heritage, very vast strand of issues our community worked with him we maintained the approach of publishing what was only essential - not wishing to provoke and anger, vex those who judge as we acting beyond our boundaries. The facts remain the formulation for a greater Europe community workings was started/initiated under the Multi party government, Seychelles then Diplomatic and other high workings. We maintained this position /approach, Benchmark during the very many years.
In Seychelles having written for 25 years those workings are important to our community and yesterday the visit to State House by Seychellois Professor, Dr Ralph Etienne-Cummings beside then Cold war, mind engineering and the science and world of engineering including IT.
What would our Communities working be like in Europe, events in France, the Indian Ocean had we managed to make this move and of course Britain.
Our founding fathers were Bible believing Christians, they brought Christianity to Britain and build their castles knowledge - beside the recent celebration of the Diocese of Victoria. Certain vital knowledge and information we listened to 3/8/17 over Church world workings, values and many aspects of truth and faith. The facts that for some nears 45 years our belief and values we have worked, impute and manages those Communities workings of our ancestors. This morning thinking about/over them.
Near 45 years ago, the Salzburg the Catholic and protestant Church and the Adventist - much more important the Cold War, Europe situation, society, politic and economy, media. It was a very very different world almost planet. Still what drove us to think of the idea of having some sort of Association /Representations for our Seychelles communities in Europe. As a young independent Nation our Rights in then Europe and the need to restructure our people, communities and ancestral workings in Europe and the world. Those families from the Indian ocean then Europe, then France. How we were viewed, look and promoted by the Europeans, the Indian Ocean, Africa and the rest of the world, The then Salzburg of 1977 before the coup d'etat in Seychelles there were very few Refugees and exile, in Salzburg today alone they represent 6% of the unemployment workings force. Other associated issues and challenges/problematic compare to our situation near 45 years ago. The need to equally stress the Academic discipline, sciences to manage Ethnic issues of European Communities near 45 years ago and over the years compared to Britain, France.
We are having to write this article under very stress conditions and environment - to clarify near 45 years ago Sir James Mancham and his University colleges and friends their education in Europe then how Seychelles and the Indian Ocean was seen/per sieved and their efforts to redress for their then knowledge and education and indeed before their times those of the Franco Seychellois children sent to be educated in Europe how they view then Europe, Britain and the Indian Ocean and their respective ancestral heritages and workings in Europe and France. Today this is changing importantly the education available to children of none Franco Seychelles and what they learnt and know of History and their prospective of our workings and issues in Europe. Then Colonial Europe workings Britain, France and the others - the emancipation process if any and Rights to defend their ancestral values under such circumstances and situation - environments. Impacts on their thinking process and minds - energy. Those Institutions and authorities who deem they alone held/had the rights to promote and mange such heritage and values and their Laws.
Beside those University acquaintance, media and private business - my wife had been working for the elite establishment of Hotel Osterricher Hof in Salzburg - the elite of the world who step down their and those who came to the Salzburg Festivals. The owners were of French decent the Family they are a noble family, will try and find some info and link them as references. Our excuses - we were green behind the ears, history books and the hard reality of those who had lived Europe Wars, economy and politics, those who talked and took their precious time to explain and debate what they knew and had experience - the great person of Dr, Dr Beno Ramsauer - < Peter Ramsauer > "Mettre un pétard dans un pantalon". Czech in Austria incomplete info Austria – Czech Republic relations Those in then Austria, Europe having studied the science and discipline at University level encouraged us, supported us then Cold War Europe, very unlike in Britain. The strangeness of Sir James Mancham reaction. (Herkunft dieses Namens ist Polish. Familiennamen Pisec. Vornamen ... Bedeutung des Namens Pisec ist: from the Polish name [Piszczek]; Pişec Diese Seite ... Dr Karl Pisec ) România
The facts that we have a very extensive Diplomatic Seychelles government workings/representation in Europe today including the former East Europe - the need to stress then Cold War politic and Europe, the couple of individual who represented us under then Sir James Mancham government and Multiparty in Europe - we also had a number of Business representations again from former President J R Mancham friends and acquaintances.
We have addressed many Arcadian heritage of our community over the years - almost Arcadian. A large numbers of our founding fathers come/originate for the Pas de Calais and before that, the region known as Artrois - a complete separate region and kingdom, the many important historic events and until it became part of France proper - every body choose to forget and ignore that for several centuries Artrois belonged to the Hapsburg they ruled and dominated its life, politic and people - linked to other greater European politic, economy and Military - dominance of European affairs. The Habsburg Netherlands
The European workings, society, politic and economy, laws have gone through a very in depth transformation - today's many Laws, legislation enshrined and build into the European Union Charters to safeguard the Rights of Minorities of Europe, Communities and their Heritages. For one Nation in particular Britain this mean very little, their notions of things and their values when it suits them. The need to remember as we make this statement in the process of relocation - our communities their media and social media, their respective views and attitudes. Those who insist upon abusing our Rights however small we are, our numbers and the way they threat the Scott, Irish, Welsh and other European minorities in Britain of European decent - the uniqueness of our European ancestry.
We harvested some information off Facebook those who had undertaken that Summer 2017 visit to Rome/Vatican - St Peter. The issue of Mr Henri Gonthier de ... and the visit of the same parties, among them Seychelles government senior person to Chester University and on to King Arthur Castles - the - near 45 years ago this would not have been easily possible. In Wales, Felix Mr Hoareau efforts to set up a Body for our exiles SEA, his work as a Councillor Swansea Borough Council-
Over the past near 45 years the thematic we have worked and managed on behalf of our Communities collectively and their high workings - inter community workings in Europe and beyond - In instance contributing to EU legislation and Democratic working of Communities in Europe. How this have benefited not just our community but beyond meaning in the Indian Ocean - over recent years the much love topic of sustainable Community workings in Europe, ethnic and otherwise. In the case of Reunion, Mauritius, Comor ,Madagascar - given the development communication and global resources how we can interact with other communities of similar values, those family connections in other parts of the world - the West Indies, Canada, Quebec, the USA and South America..The science, education and developing knowledge constantly enhancing, reworked, studied, debated and being applied.
Again refer to Professor, Dr Ralph Etienne-Cummings visiting Seychelles, how nation use social engineering to manipulate, control and abuse people, communities families and children their youth, what they build and implant in their minds and their objectives. In the case of our Communities workomg in Britain the massive manipulation for economic, political, media and great state interests - this have not gone on without protests, to the relevant EU institutions and UN and the Church.
The need to compare how our community meanwhile function across Europe in lesser ways and more complex/. Had we been say in Germany, Netherlands or indeed France how our Communities workings, dynamic and synergy would have been very different to the relocation in Kent - the very poor conditions, resources and sustain oppression, abuses and threats - while they, those involve make the maximum of our Heritage and mechanism associated for their Business politic and economy. This include the antique nobility of Britain of French decent from Artrois and Pas de Calais, Norman and Brittany. The story of the Tyrrel Crips another good example they celebrating their 15 years of existence/anniversary. Having stated our ancestors build this Europe on Christian values where the values originated and the Holy Scripture - the requirement to use the same set of values and tools to benchmark our workings today in light of Europe today and many other developments.
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