Frankreichs Ex-Präsident Jacques Chirac gestorben
Der frühere Staatschef war nie populärer als zu seinem Lebensende. Vielleicht auch, weil
ne Nachfolger im Elysée so unbeliebt sind?
Chirac était « charmant et impitoyable » : l’hommage contrasté de la presse étrangère
We would like to start this blog with the Austrian news paper article on former President Jacques Chirac death - back in 1976 when we arrived in Austria in exile from Seychelles then government of Sir James Mancham as President and Prime Minister FA Rene in August 14/8/76, the Cold War era -the political and economic situation, uncertainty for those who have lived in former Africa as a result of the Liberation movements, Independence process in Africa. Prior to our Independence and until the last moment those who had wishes an alternative solution would have been found to prevent what was inevitable to come.(Some of the information, details coming out of the Truth Commission etc., September 2019 sitting), In France then French government -President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the Francophone. In Mauritius, Madagascar, Reunion and Comore the situation. Those who had questioned, challenged the wisdom on our part to leaving Seychelles, extended families, friends, daughter, property - eventual inheritance and take exile in Austria. Before leaving Seychelles those leading person from the Plantation, Farmers who knew my predicament, issues and what were talked and discussed. My former Austrian wife beside working experience in the Tourism industry had lived in Zimbabwe/former Rhodesia 1975,.
Meeting with President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (left) on an official visit to France in 1976
In Seychelles we were not permitted to get involved in politic given our guardian Justice position. From a very young age had been present when those pioneers of our politicians were arguing and debating the local politic at my uncle cobblers shop, Mr Ah-Tim craft shop , the police station , Mr Adam, Mr Rosalie, Mr Harry Payet recently published information he was born in Zanzibar, the revolution, some 20,000 - 30,000 butchered, later on 5th June 1977, the Zanzibar copy cat revolution/coup in Seychelles , Mr Ti Pin - later in East Africa at school. We had know all the personalities of the DP and the SPUP, beside those from Dr/Mrs Stevenson Delhomme Party.

Beside family responsibility -the way the Seychelles communities, our Indian ocean French ancestral, heritage was being represented, promoted, culture and value - required a different body group of individual to work and promote this as do other then ethnic communities. We later after research by the UN Library in Vienna recommendation, report. We almost purchased a small Cure Hotel - given the ungratefulness, ingratitude of the world society, mankind and the nations of the Indian Ocean, would have been a wiser choice. We/I had befriended the /editor of Salzburg Nachriten and he took the time to quizze my person, also had become acquainted with a young couple he studying Mathematics and sport at the Salzburg University, the many hours we spent waking in the woods of Salzburg conversing about the politics of the world, Africa, Communist, the Capitalist System. We had taken a keen interests in Austrian, European culture, the then NGO system. The person of Dr Dr Beno Ramsauer my ex Austrian wife uncle his historic political forays. The news in Europe, among them the news of Jacques Chirac election and Mayor of Paris in March 1977, he had been France PM of Giscard d'Estaing government, such information/news the News papers would publish. In the Christmas 1976 the historic snowfall in Austria. We have addressed some of the issues of the F1 then 1976, 77 and 78, issues of the Winter Sport. More important our view, conclusion Salzburg and events had a very important part in deciding that coup d'etat in Seychelles sand outcome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977
Jacques Chirac, premier maire de Paris
List of mayors of Paris
We decided to move to Vienna for work and life future instead of going in the Hotel business as the Family would have wish, events, again family responsibility and some 3/4 Vienna companies in the Investment, Finance, Insurance, market we got employment and began our learning experience. Taking the time to inform our self of events in the Indian Ocean, France, Britain, the USA, Europe, Africa, USSR, the COMECON. Important the French government position in Europe and the UN, the Indian Ocean at events in Seychelles. We had taken contact with the Ministers of Sir James Mancham government exile in London after the 5th June coup d'etat from Salzburg what was were discussed. The French Embassy in Vienna other French Institutions in Vienna. The Officials at UNIDO, OPEC, the Atomic Energy. The Diplomatic Circle of Vienna and the Media Association. We were informed and aware of some of the events in Seychelles. All those imprisoned and fleeing in exile, joining those in London. Ex PM and Mayor Jacques Chirac was against the take over in Seychelles and so to then French President Giscard d'Estaing. The first time we visited Paris was in 1978 on our way to SGS Head office in Geneva, then Paris of 1978 and again events in Seychelles and London. There is the need to state this in the Seychelles of pre Independence, the position of the French government in the event of a unilateral declaration. In then Paris of 1978 those from Seychelles be they in London or Seychelles enlisting and seeking French government help. On the occasion of our Paris visit, first - had already had good relation with then UNIDO Indian Ocean Head, Had already address the UNIDO/UN for possible help, assistance with the situation in Seychelles their reply. In Seychelles prior to Independence those Mercenary/Technicians who visited Seychelles. The decision on my part if the UN, the USA, Britain and France opposed a CARICOM like body for the Indian Ocean and how it function then 1978 Cold War in the Caribbean, objectives and purpose in the face of Communism and the West Block working. Again those who had educated, briefed provided us with Colonial Service, system workings. Had started the research in the possibility of setting up of an Indian Ocean Industrial Investment Promotion Centre as alternative, the objectives envisaged, purpose. . I had already joined Prof Dr Micheal Hofman IMI Vienna. The next time I would visit Paris would be to visit French foreign Office and present, discuss my research and their ideas views. The Minister of Sir James Mancham ex government who had enlisted my help/contribution in finding solution. On my third visit to Paris became acquainted with the Larousse distant #grand children and other personalities. Those from the Grand Moulin de Paris the failed attempted coup, those views from/in Paris. In Europe the Alliance against Communism and those in Paris/Franc who headed them/It including the Front National. President F Mitterrand become France President 1981. The divergence of views on the Indian Ocean between the French government and the Mayor Office and those who supported those from the Seychelles exiles to find a solution. We had gone on to London 1981 from Strasbourg to seek exile. We had also learned those from Seychelles government - then Dr Maxime Ferrari taking the core of that Research we had circulated and promoting the idea of a Regional organisation/Body. Before coming to London we had been offered a work possibility in Zaire on one of the estate of President Mobutu.
To date what have been present to the Truth Commission etc., there are many gaps. In as much those who played a key role have died and did not leave anything in writing beside scant topics, mention. After the three attempts to find a solution - the moral those who supported such attempts be they government, technicians and those more experienced.
The next time we would need have to work with by then elected Jacques ##Chirac as PM, Gouvernement Jacques Chirac https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gouvernement_Jacques_Chirac_(2)- in Office President Mitterrand, the Assassination of the SNM/MPR Leader the French Embassy in London November 1985 and in spring 1986, the nucleus, core ideas of that SIROP program against, the USA, South Africa, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, London, Israel the wish of very many others what they had expected. The horror of the media, the establishment and very many what really happened. Evens in then Europe and Vatican and the USSR and COMECON east Europe, Africa, the Gulf region.
Olivier Duhamel : «Jacques Chirac est le président qui a le plus aimé les Français»
Le FigaroÉditorial
« C'était un grand Français, libre », dit Emmanuel Macron à propos de Jacques Chirac
Mort de Jacques Chirac: qu'est-ce qu'une journée de deuil national?
BFMTV.COMCouverture locale
À la mort de Jacques Chirac, Jean-Marie Le Pen rend un hommage subliminal
Le fondateur du Front national a rendu hommage bien particulier à son "ennemi".
Comment - Having written a few time on those in then pre independence Seychelles who had wanted to find an alternative solution, then France and its Presidents, then Rhodesia, in the end it just remained wishes, ideas and nobody came forward to implement this and the ensuing events, the DP and SPUP historic events. The 5th June coup d'etat which many had seen it coming and its outcome.
Events in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and Tanzania those government associated with former President FA Rene and his Associates. The Communist and world Socialist Block.
Very many issue with the former Rhodesian soldiers and the like of the ex Harrods owner, then USA and France, South Africa -until that SIROP program was presented and promoted , the impacts on many African countries, the mega changes and yet those who wrote what and attributed what, For many years after the program was accepted, linking and working issues with President Mugabe and that program those from the UN, and the USA knowledge and South Africa. Having cited a few issues of Mayor Chirac and PM Chirac the Mitterrand government, when Mitterrand step down he took over his knowledge and politic with that SIROP program and the handing over to ####Sarkozy events and the fallout. President F A Rene was well informed and knew of those issues, however his approach to work and politic in the region and African Union, the Commonwealth and Zimbabwe, Tanzania and other SADC Nations Head of State, the Francophone - so to did Sir James Mancham. How much did President Mandela know and did not have not shared with the world. That Seychelles and South Africa Truth Commission etc., In the USA, China, Russian their knowledge and yet.
It was in/during the Chirac government era that the change from OAU to African Union was undertaken, the Libya important issues, Italy and the francophone and finally implemented, France special relation with the African Union after wards, all those in Europe who knew and the special role, credits attributed to President Chirac and the French nation - - today. Preside Mugabe knew a great deal of the unpublished information issues of African change from OAU to African Union how he and his officials worked those issues in the face of the world.
Today as President Chirac state funeral is being put in motion, tomorrow public viewing, the book of condolence at the Elysee place and Paris Town Hall and in Zimbabwe the laying to rest of President Robert Mugabe in his home Village. His wife knowledge of those issues and former government officials . The Army/Military and the Establishment.
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