Emmaus Calais
We have covered several Facebook article events surrounding that 2015 Presidential election in Sechelles Seychelles and we travelling to Vienna, Berlin, Hamburg and Amsterdam for support and ideas - the eventuality had the Opposition been successful in changing the System we have had in place for some 25 years and more in Seychelles, the Indian Ocean and Europe. The terrible impact on our Community greater functionality - workings.
In particular the appointment of those Consul and Economic representation how they have gone about spreading bad information about our Community workings and diaspora - those who have en-devoured hard to help and keep our Community together their devotion, sacrifice, love and time. Had there been a successful Opposition Presidential win - they would have been brought under review.
They are the personalities, individuals who vested with the Consulate Powers have been going around marginalizing our Communities and those who represent them - Yet using their Consulate Powers to work their respective Economic and personal interests or Associates and affiliate.
Some of the topics we have covered since 2013, 2014, 2015 year and the results of those efforts. After the terrible end of the year 2015 and start of 2016 had the option of travelling to Rouen/Angers, ,among other items we have left there for this 25th anniversary of the first Gulf War two DVD of the Hobbits. We received two unofficial invitation to visit Emmaus Calais so we can discuss our plan. The last one was for Saturday the 12th February had we gone first Lady Nancy Reagan would have still been with us - the accident that elderly Lady in a Skoda was caused to have destroying all the telephone line and a 40 mph sign. We decided for Calais not to forget the deadline we had set the exile/refugees communities to meet in Bruxelles and the atrocious outcome. We shared some of the topics with members of our Community and decided to go to Calais after all - did not get the Etique Etap booking we had wanted.
To make matters more difficult the terrible weather we had and the damage/destruction of the Folkestone Central Dover connection strangely enough beneath the Cliff where Caple Court Country Club is - the terrible weather situation and the Referendum to exit EU - the near evil ambiance around and the loss of some great acquaintance and friend. The need to catch a Bus from Folkestone Central to Dover. We thought we had the whole Ferry by our-self, one of the Officer announced that 8 and more bus load of school children would be joining is - those school children are not daft or imbeciles, they can find/discover a great deal if they so wish.
Calais with the incidents of December until March has/is changing radically like a war zone, and the security and barb wires. After checking in and getting the same room as on my 65th Birthday decided to go to the seaside take away and get some "Frite" near midnight. In the morning pressed for time the gulls, the cats and what may have been the General old girl friend, she helped us get to the Town Center. With some help we made it to our appointment and more important help to Emmaus. We pain and fell the grief of the Calais citizens/ We purchased a few scratch card over a cup of coffee winning a couple of Euro 6 and 4. We will add the picture of those Hobbits and the blue tortoise from the hundreds of Items to catch our attention and the picture of L'abbey Pierre/
Events moved fast, the Magician Paul Daniel had passed away, situation in Germany, then Bruxelles and the death/loss of Prof Dr Dentist Jose Souyave, the Montagne Posee prison incident, all these spinning in our head and still wishing to write some thing for our FECA-ECSVS Blog. We had to explain the concept of Emmaus. The loss of Prof Dr Dentist Jose Souyave is indeed a very great and important loss for our Community workings, our exile, the Seychelles, Indian Ocean, our Arcadian workings to be polite and the Dentist Fraternity. In life the need at time to be plain frank - those 6000 refugees/exiles in Calais just do not know how lucky they are - would gladly exchange my passport for theirs and they can go to that Sechelles Seychelles. Those who have been frustrating our attempts for 25 years to set up something in Calais.
In the process of trying the very many thematic, issues we became involved and embroiled in - those who made a very great deal of money and sold properties mad, and we still got stuck the other side of the Channel - something has happened. This prompted me to write this article - we/I have been looking for a small place to buy or rent and please do not turn round and say nobody know who we are - among those efforts decided to contact a number of personalities from the Tyrel de Poix etc families explaining who we are and trying to represent - again the use of those information for their personal gain and not even a word of thank you. Some of these families have vast connections and knowledge in Calais and the Region. We just kept mumbling to our self. Two weeks ago an article appeared that Prince William had been refused a Hotel accommodation in Rouen for the forthcoming French - British event. We made a mental note. Please do not take this lightly we have bee egging Prince William that he acquire a property in France just may be we could get to pitch a tent in a corner or the forest.
Today trying to fit the bits and pieces together we can across the historic news and development that the Castle belonging to the Tyrel de Poix family in Picardie had been sold by the current Count Raymond de Nicolay to a special Association given the Tyrel/King William the conqueror, that/this would have been the ideal Property for Prince William to acquire for his Family in France. The price is also affordable. We have also signaled to those in Sechelles Seychelles that former President F A Rene is equally to blame for this situation.

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