Pope Francis castigates Europe in speech on solidarity
We had addressed the below thread uncertain of the British election 7/5/16 in relation to Brit-exit Referendum - the news that Pope Francis have been decorated/awarded with Charlemagne Prize, those who attended the ceremony - have ask of Council of Europe President Mr Donald Tusk if we may borrow the photo for this Blog. 7/5/2016
Pope Francis addresses the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Nov. 25, 2014. Credit: Alan Holdren/CNA.
Vatican City, May 6, 2016 / 06:18 am (CNA/EWTN News)
Note - It was Pope John Paul II - who lent us his important support that we finally concept our EU Community Coat of Arms his then officials, the information we provided and the important link in our nation and ancestral workings.
4th May, 2016
Yesterday the many media coverage, Google news World Press Day - we got to talking to a female Train conductor and tole her if she knew/aware of the special day and as such poke her a bit - saying on this Day one is allowed or entitled to address of concern and in our case the British Railway and Network South East - saying we have been involved and contributed to so many important developments and we do not wear uniform as they do and we do not get paid - yet the Network is never appreciative.
When we got off the train there was an elderly gentleman saying it is terrible to get old so we went up to him and cheered him up and accompanied him down the steps and at the bottom of the step a lad almost bang into him headlong.
As we got out of the Station - there was this super metallic Jaguar picking up a person and not your new Jag logo but the proper Jaguar on the bonnet. We smiled to our self and waited for the bus - this is the second Jaguar incident in two days.
Just may be why this post - when we got to Santandar because/give the Referendum thematic the massive negativity oozing out of the debacle. Teh staff of Santandar unfriendly/grumpy and in the que we had to get in an elderly lady, wearing glass and as she moved away form the counter she made a very strange look, the reason next to her in the que at the counter a huge black gentleman with loud voice providing his banking information to the staff at the Counter incidentally the family with the Jaguar at the station were of African origin. ( We poking those in that Sechelles Seychelles Presidential/Assembly election with the image posted to us on Facebook of that huge black female in Red)
One or two staff at the bank know our person and our issues. We then made an effort to visit a family from East Africa/Seychelles, the person playing his guitar and harmonica - his positive attitude.
Now it is the first time we had been into Town since Her majesty, the Queen - Elizabeth celebrated her 90th birthday. Had inquired of the young people if there was any function in Ashford for this historic moment. We had come to live in Ashford - Kent in 1991, the why's. Mr Ashford in Seychelles - Head of CID and Mi5 Liaison officer. The same Ashford in Middlesex where Mr Gerard Hoareau, the leader of Opposition, SNP/MPR was assassinated. We decided to visit an acquaintance and you have to walk pass the new Volvo dealer/breaker - the previous people who were fondly known as the Smurf - the cars they sold us and their help. The Old oak Tree under/ beneath which we bought the previous car.
To our great surprise saw the pictures Advent House Vienna had posted - thank you and the picture King Phillipe of Spain had posted. We had seen pictures of General Franco in Office, King Juan Carlos never King phillipe. The new that former President Bill Clinton was coming over to support former PM Blair with the Britexit Referendum.
We are going to head this contribution - " Nobody have ever mention on Google, Yahoo and the many media the faith, belief, Christian Values important component in that Britexit burning debacle - after all Britain is suppoed to be a very christian country".
The need to stress all the Churches their prayers for the past 30 years then European situation, proceeding event to where we are today - does that mean nothing to the politicians, media have they got no respect for their Church, faith, belief - the deep relevancy and important of faith. The thousands of churches in this Country from time when Britain was a very very different people and nation in Europe, across Europe again the thousandth of church and the rest of the world. Tomorrow if there is a Britexit all those who will be praying to heaven/God to stand and be by their sides, far worse if a War broke out and the need to go to War they would have to pray.
We would like to take this opportunity to post the recent picture of Her Majesty - the Queen, Elizabeth and the grand children - this FECAS-ECSVS Project, concept what it has been all about our respective communities across the EU, the melting pot of our Heritage - how we had to battle that President F Mitterrand, PM Andreotti, those from Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, Scandinavia battle that we as an Ethnic Community in Europe have and acquire the Rights to promote, address and defend our respective Ancestral European Interests, History, Values and belief. The very many governments, officials and high personalities the past 40 years almost. In turn how we have used these acquired Right to support, encourage and empowered Democratic, Social and positive economic Values in the Indian Ocean Region, Africa, Gulf Region.
We would like to stress, the very many in Britain and Europe who helped and supported that FECAS - ECSVS Portal project, it is driving some £90 billion and more of British business, financial , Service and economic interests - this is just one item, the hosting aspect only.
If and when the Britexit outcome turned out - we would have to reappraise much of the associated thematic. The EU high Institutions know this, the justice Institution, the church and very many other Institutions of Europe in particular the NGO/ONG, how with our modest resources we have promoted and helped to develop today's landscape of NGO/ONG Europe working and this relate and affects very importantly Britain - whether they stay in or get out. In particular the European Royal institutions - the diplomatic workings with the rest of the world, the Indian Ocean, Africa, Gulf Region. In this current Europe of the young Royal Families, king and future Queens - they need to understand the importance , the role their royal Peers made and played and their respective contribution in our European burning thematic - their future generations.
We have addressed how with this portal project we are support important European economic workings, growth and synergy - the issues of France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria and other countries, Including former East Europe, ( What about Turkey those who know in London what we did and have done - those in Turkey who brag/talk very loud, ask of PM Blair and his government Official) - would not the wise option to help rebuild and revamp this portal project. Study where it is of greater benefit and impacts to the economic grown and sustaining economic growth in Europe to boost its capacity and develop monitoring capacity.
Prince Jean, Duke of Vendôme
We got a reminder/tick-off by the High Parties of Russia, why we overlooked to mention the important USSR/Russia rebuilding in that FECAS-ECSVS components a very long and impressive lit of topics, thematic and issues we have influenced, driven and help come about - building a positive Russia Europe relation and the Russian Community in Britain who ought to know some of the topics.
Alexander Palace
We would like to thank the Royal high parties for their Photos and the due credits for using them and publishing them here.
The Indian Ocean History
We have just reminded a very very important topic - the great Illuminati of this Land, how and why Lady Thatcher choose Waterloo station to build the European Terminal and how with PM Tony Blair working the portal Project of FECAS - ECSVS, the decision was taken to redevelop, Kings Cross Basin/St Pancreas - that was not the work and planning of the Conservative. They would have put a state of Lord Nelson Waterloo International Station to stress their views. Beside the Great British Library - the utter lies and madness of British media reporting.
Today in 1974, 'Waterloo' hits number one on the UK singles chart, the first of ABBA's nine UK chart-toppers.

Home sweet home? Putin offering disillusioned Britons FREE LAND to resettle in Russia
FECAS - ECSVS Comment -
We want to ask the question those who have observed the phenomena of what we have come to term "Satanic rage, rave, crack-vibe, CJD or anti social function in subzero temperature"
This morning our Facebook feed the very provocative and challenging article of president Vladimir Putin offering those Brits dissatisfied and disillusion with the Britexit outcome to come/go and settle in Siberia - will add the map and link later.
From a human functionality, white race functionality - existence going back to the days of the Neanderthal - the evolution of human beings, societies and European race - including the English race or the many white race in this country call Britain.
In as much as they say they are a christian Nation, at the core of that "Satanic rage, rave, crack-vibe, CJD or anti social " abnormal mind/brain function is the pagan belief, their cults and practices and this is a very important impacting motives/reason why those who deployed that abnormal mind working were strongly influenced - their arguments.
The need to explain why we are writing this thread. Those who spend some time reading our issues. On our FECAS- ECSVS Blog, the last article and we undated this two days ago to after the historic visit of UN Secretary General Ban KI- Moon to add two pictures beneath the paragraph pertaining to France Royal Families the Pretenders to the Throne - the Duke of Anjou, the Duke de Vandome and the Prince Bonaparte. The image we added.
After adding that picture the mumbling we undertook with a young person who helped us with writing that SIROP portal - why our situation and plight if/shloud we have contributed to the life and events affecting, surrounding and impacting such prominent personalities and at that - Pretender to the Throne of France.
It also resolve/to do with our efforts to get a place to stay - which we have been trying for some 30 years those who know the incident then president F Mitterrand - the Castle debacle of the Queen's Uncle for Sale and other similar thematic. Oh and the countless article in France and Britain we have lend a hand/help to write about those who invent titles, and those famous Royalties who have done great misdeeds and the going on to this day. Much more important the many Royal families across Europe whose properties were return and their titles returned - what really ensued - the list is very interesting and their comportment once they had received their lands and titles. Some of the negative outcomes and backlash. Those who began to write/invent how things were changes and their fortunes and Titles return. Resulting to some of the important reason Europe is in this super mess. May be after all we were wise not to accept the Titles we had been offered for our role and contributions. The market place for acquisition and purchase of Title today.
We have also taken time to write and communicate to those personalities representing pursuing their right to the Throne of France - what we have done and who we are. Their respective reaction.
The debacle of our last serious one prior to Mrs Segolan Royal Presidential candidate election, the property we had almost purchase in Limouse. We also have an official request to the French Immigration authorities to grant/help us resettle in France under UNHCR Protocol - in Angers.
The need to be polite even if we are super grumpy at time - those Royals who have read that FECAS- ECSVS thread and they do not comment directly but their Social communication contents and their buzz.
In relation to the British bit/aspect - our involvement in the Crop Circle debacle from 1987 onward - the phenomena appearing in the fields until a few years ago. It is a discipline which gets managed/applied and other involved. The process and when one or anybody have been involved in this working/process - you retain a very different so call inner understanding and working of thing/knowledge. Those who expect you to have wings or going about in a pointed hats and waging arms - it does not work that way.
In France - those who study and work those discipline because this is our ancestral roots and heritage linked to that FECAS- ECSVS Blog, beside that SEYEU.COM portal working and how it impacts and influence many many Europe important thematic, research what we have written. Some of the important incident of Europe royal working - including Russia.
This is not the first time we have had some feed back from our request to be allowed to migrate and settle in Russia - in 2014 the topic of Crimea and the new economic and social/society constellation in development those high officials who had indicated we could take the option. They know a very great deal about our Seychelles and Indian Ocean debacles. The number of Russian settling in Seychelles and Mauritius.
To add impact to our FECAS- ECSVS thread - we did not add the picture of the Russian Royal Family with the departure/demise of the last Royal person one month ago. Instead we address the picture of the Alexander palace - we could go on to write a book about our role in changing the Royal working of Russia and the why. This morning publication of President Putin offer to the British fed-up with England to migrate and settle in Siberia and the conditions. To note the picture of Prince George standing on those blue books.
That if we had to take one of those offers and the impact on Europe, world and Indian Ocean workings - when anybody is responsible or involved after such intensity to help/contribute to manage them a different dimension of functionality develops and when required to move to different environment the transfer of energy/synergy and how they work and those so call scientist our there, what they write. What if we decided to go and live in Siberia and the Europe and world climate change yet again what would they say and the $billion and very significant resource over the past 30 years to manage them and the science and disciplines.
In today's world workings there are very advance technology which would make living in Siberia very acceptable during the Winter time. Oh our involvement through that SIROP program to bring about those global world change in Technology and Science. The result today.
On a light approach - beside our belief, President Putin is a Fan of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbits - we would have to ask Gandolf and the others advice - to visit it most certainly.
It is polite to say we have added a picture of a group of personalities at our SIROP portal from Salzburg university - psychology and student conflict solving - what we addressed them about the Cold War topic and the function of the minds then - that "Satanic rage, rave, crack-vibe, CJD or anti social had not existed safe for use by the Intelligence Service of elite world powers and their Illuminati Establishment. There will be impacts and fallout.
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